In The Not Too Distant Future

I have SO MANY ideas of things I'd like to be able to do and offer here at Total Eclipse of the Art, but at my current level of smol business (not complaining, these things take time), it doesn't make financial sense just yet to be able to offer some (or any) of them. But to give you an idea of the things that make me excited, here is where my mind wanders when I'm cleaning the dishes:ย 

I'd love to one day be able to have the capacity to offer a cute freebie sticker for all orders over, for example, $10. I do give out a tiny branded moon sticker with each order (if you've received an order from me, you'll know the ones I mean), so once those run out I'm going to look into offering a nicer sticker.ย ย 

I have two large round canvases that I've hoarded and would love to make available for commission; what you would be buying is a large round canvas for a custom moon to be painted on. I think the only thing holding me back from this option is the potential shipping cost (๐Ÿ’€).ย 

I am very passionate about this one. So many times I've been thrifting and have found the absolute perfect framed boards for painting on, but I can't justify buying them and possibly no one beingย interested in them. What I envision doing is photographing the framed boards and advertising them as being available for having a custom moon painted on them. Does that make sense? So you'd be buying a completed frame and painting all in one (finished with either varnish or glass or the likes).ย Here is kind of an example of a moon I started - for my own collection - but have yet to finish. Welp.ย 

This one I'm actually working on and cannot wait to make and share them! I love bubbled fridge magnets, and what better round magnet could you add to your fridge than a little moon? Literally nothing (okay, I can think of at least 10 other things).ย 

I did offer this once in the beginning of my Etsy days, and it was a bit of a flop. In my head I was hoping to be able to offer a couple of pre-painted full moon paintings once a month and for a lower price (because they were already painted and since they weren't custom orders, there is a lot less involved in them (including not having to record every moment of painting them for sOCiAL mEDiA)), but I've only sold two of the three of them to date, and I sold those two at IRL markets, so not online.ย 

I would really love to offer a small sticker sheet option. I notice whenever I'm covering one of our many water bottles in stickers, there are so many little gaps that I'd love to be able toย offer small stickers that would be *chefs kiss* for just those places. The thing is, sticker sheets are pretty expensive to make. They're a chicken-and-egg scenario; sticker sheets could be a huge hit, but they're pricey. Do I take a hit and order them before I'm hitting higher sales targets? And chance that the sticker sheets will bring me to those higher targets? Or will they be a flop and I end up resenting them? Just some random small business woes.ย 

I don't know how well it would apply to me, but an artist I follow and find very inspiring is Camilla Creations. Sheย will do a ton of floral paintings every 2 months or so, and then launch them all on her website on a certain date. I'm certain she completely sells outย on launch dayย (a girl can dream), and I think that would be such a good addition to my smol business. Again, I'm not sure how well that would hold up here (see 'full moon drop' above for the flop-factor). I think I need to be more eSTabLisHEd for it to work.ย 

This falls under 'sticker sheets', but I'd really like to offer a moon phase sticker sheet for those of us who use planners and love to add stickers to them. I think it would be a really fun addition. It's not one of the top options I'd like to offer, but I do think about it often enough.ย 

Again, they would be a sticker sheet, but I love doing my own nails at home and many-a-time I've made little moons to add to my nails (you can see one of them in my reel here!). This is a long stretch, and an idea that's not really important to me, but it's an idea I've had for a while now.ย ย 

So there you have it. Those are some of the ideas I'd love to offer, but honestly, now that our toddler no longer takes naps, my energy levels are a lot lower and just getting the basics completed during the day is a long shot.ย 

Alex - Total Eclipse of the Art

In The Not Too Distant Future
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