Meet the Maker

Hello! I'm Alex, the artist and owner behind Total Eclipse of the Art. I've written a few things about myself here, and in the third person because it sounds more professional that way ...

Alex has always been creative. Throughout school she was always drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, gluing or making. It wasn't until she began workingย in officesย in her early 20's that a lot of that kind of creativity slowed down.

Alex was still very hands-on with creating around her home (and others'), so she studied Interior Design at Griffith College in Dublin, Ireland, part time as a mature student. She poured all her creativity into design (and shared her projects through her blog, The Interior DIYer). While it wasn't the same kind of painting (walls and furniture vs. canvases), Alex thoroughly enjoyed this outlet.

It wasn't until recent years, while Alex was on maternity leave with her second daughter, that she circled back around to the artistic-type of painting.ย 

After years of being fascinated with the moon, Alex officially started Total Eclipse of the Art in 2021, though her first moon was painted in 2015 (yikes).

While Alex's preferred colour palette at home is, let's say -limited- she takes much enjoyment running amok with all the colours in her custom moon orders. The bolder the colours and the combinations - the better. She loves working with people on creatingย not just thoughtful pieces of art, but creating an entire experience around it.ย 

She daydreams about one day having a studio of her own and being able to turn this work into a fully fledged job, which is more suited to her neuro-spicy brain.ย 

Thank you for taking the time to read more about me! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Alex - Total Eclipse of the Art