
Website Inspo
I wanted to share (and credit) the creatives behind the websites that inspired my Total Eclipse website.
Website Inspo
I wanted to share (and credit) the creatives behind the websites that inspired my Total Eclipse website.

2024 Solar Eclipse Kingston!
I will be vending at the upcoming total solar eclipse celebrations in Kingston, Ontario! ...
2024 Solar Eclipse Kingston!
I will be vending at the upcoming total solar eclipse celebrations in Kingston, Ontario! ...

Picking the Perfect Frame
Iย put together a guide for how best to pick a frame (and mat) for your custom artwork ...ย
Picking the Perfect Frame
Iย put together a guide for how best to pick a frame (and mat) for your custom artwork ...ย

Small Business Tchotchke's
Some not-so-necessary shop purchases,ย but they're all things I'd use and would deliver some excellent dopamine with every update ...
Small Business Tchotchke's
Some not-so-necessary shop purchases,ย but they're all things I'd use and would deliver some excellent dopamine with every update ...

Multi-Coloured Moons
I love the challenge of a multi-coloured moon.ย They're gorgeous and accentuate the light and dark perfectly. Here are all I've painted so far ...
Multi-Coloured Moons
I love the challenge of a multi-coloured moon.ย They're gorgeous and accentuate the light and dark perfectly. Here are all I've painted so far ...

In The Not Too Distant Future
I have SO MANY ideas of things I'd like to be able to do and offer, so here are a few I've been thinking a lot about ...
In The Not Too Distant Future
I have SO MANY ideas of things I'd like to be able to do and offer, so here are a few I've been thinking a lot about ...